Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! Spread the LOVE!

Love is in the air!
Valentines Day is a very special day indeed, it is a day to celebrate love-the most beautiful feeling, a day to share a loving message with your sweetheart and loved ones...and a day that is all about sweets...or at least it is in my world!
I am in OCD drive right now= obsessive chocolate disorder. I made sure I keep it healthy, so chocolate covered strawberries are my weakness today. hehehe

About Valentine's Day: Spend this Valentine's Day showing your significant other that you care by sending flowers, a personalized Valentine's Card, or candy. This American tradition can be traced back to ancient Christian and Roman times, celebrating the martyr Saint Valentine. Young men used to take lottery tickets at the Roman festival of Lupercalia to determine which girl would be their valentine. During Medieval times, girls often ate bizarre foods on Valentine's Day in order to make themselves dream of their future spouses.

Today, people participate in a variety of traditions and customs to show their love and affection. Romantic dinners, presents, and weekend getaways (one of my favorites) top the list.

On the flip side, Valentine's Day is one of the few holidays that has generated quite the opposition. There's a huge group of people who are vocally against Valentine's Day and celebrate the Anti-Valentine's Day. Those are often people who think Valentine's Day is too commercial or too cheesy or maybe they're just bitter. Want in on the fun? Send an anti-Valentine's Day eCard to celebrate!

Have a Sweet Day!


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